Monday, July 20, 2015

Ten benefits of betel leaves

Betel is a creeper and climbing on the main stem in around with leaves that have a flat shape like a heart, talks rather long, flat leaf edges, pointed leaf tip, leaf base grooved, bone pinnate leaves, and the leaves are thin meat. Leaf surface green and slippery, while the trunk is green green or brownish and rough skin surface and wrinkled.

Betel Leaves, image by kesehatankulitinfo
Betel life planted on fertile with friable soil that is not too humid and requires a tropical weather with adequate water. Betel is herbs are very beneficial. In Chinese pharmacology, betel known as a plant that has a warm and spicy nature.

In India, the betel leaf plays an important role in the culture Hindu society. All the traditional ceremonies using betel leaf as component in the ceremony. Betel leaves are also commonly used in traditional wedding ceremony on the island of Java. In some other customary way, leaves Betel often served to welcome the guests. Also chewed betel leaves by most people, even the people of Vietnam said that "leaves Betel initiate conversations "which refers to the activities of the leaf chewing Betel.

Ten benefits of betel leaves

1. Can cure shortness of breath, The way is by boiling 4 green betel leaves with 2 cups water, boiled until the water only remaining 1 cup. Then drink the cooking water 2 times a day regularly.

2. Can cure inflammation of the throat, the same way by treating shortness of breath (asthma).

3. Can eliminate body odor, The way is by grind some green betel leaf and rub on your armpits. Do it regularly after bathing.

4. Can cure skin diseases such as eczema dry and wet eczema, the same way as above.

5. Can prevent and eliminate stubborn acne, The way is the same as the above by applying to the face with acne and let stand for 1 hour. After that, wash with using warm water.

6. Can be used as a drug to treat dengue, The way is to boil five betel leaves with 2 cups of water and boil until the remaining 1 cup. Then water betel decoction of the leaves is drunk regularly 2 times a day.

7. To prevent mosquito bites dengue The way is by grind betel leaves until smooth, then apply on the body that are not protected. Then the mosquito causes dengue fever was guaranteed would not dare bite.

8. Can treat burns, The way is to heat the betel leaves until wilted and then stick over the affected skin burns. Within a few days the burn will be gradually improved.

9. Can relieve itching of the skin, how is the green betel leaf grind until smooth and then apply on the skin that experience itching. Within a few moments of itching will gradually disappear.

10. Can treat thrush, the way is by chew betel leaves and then set aside some time, after that rinse your mouth with warm water. If you are not strong with the smell, you can boil 3 betel leaves with 2 cups of water and boil until the water only remaining 1 cup only. Then rinse your mouth with boiled water betel leaf in warm. Take regularly 1 cup a day until the mouth ulcer healed.

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